First Shoes Co.

Manager: Awny Joulany

Address: Palestine, Hebron, Nemra

Short Description: First company is one of the best producing companies for women’s footwear in Palestine that are made from natural leather. First manufactures a wide range of women’s formal shoes, winter boots and summer sandals.
First specialises with their attractive designs and shapes in modern style, as the latest international fashions in footwear are met, to fulfil all needs of the market.
First is always interested in investing in human resources and mechanisms, to ensure product satisfaction by customers and consumers, and international standards of quality is met.

History: First Shoes first started in the early 80s when Awny Joulany was working as part production in the shoe industry sawing the uppers, in 1995 First started taking full production and had a small work shop with brothers and made men’s shoes, in 2000 production process was improved with introducing lasting machines and after that a new line of production opened with women’s shoes.

Vision & Mission: First looks to reach new markets outside Palestine, and to improve its performance in production.

Experience: First Specialize in Men’s Leather Boots and Women’s Leather Shoes.

Contact Us:
 Tel No: 022213926
Mobile: 059678694
Fax No: av022215385